All-Time Top 12 Players

  • Please note that players may not be in the uniform of the correct team in these images.

36 Seasons

  • * Indicates a playoff appearance
36 Seasons Table
Season Lg Team W L W/L% Finish SRS   Pace Rel Pace ORtg Rel ORtg DRtg Rel DRtg   Playoffs Coaches Top WS
2024-25NBAOrlando Magic2321.5232nd of 5-0.2996.4-2.7108.0-5.5108.2-5.3J. Mosley (23-21)G. Bitadze (3.7)
2023-24NBAOrlando Magic*4735.5731st of 51.4896.9-1.6113.4-1.9111.3-4.0Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.J. Mosley (47-35)F. Wagner (6.4)
2022-23NBAOrlando Magic3448.4154th of 5-2.3999.30.2111.6-3.2114.2-0.6J. Mosley (34-48)F. Wagner (5.4)
2021-22NBAOrlando Magic2260.2685th of 5-7.6799.21.0104.5-7.5112.50.5J. Mosley (22-60)W. Carter (5.0)
2020-21NBAOrlando Magic2151.2925th of 5-9.0298.7-0.5105.1-7.2114.52.2S. Clifford (21-51)N. Vučević (3.9)
2019-20NBAOrlando Magic*3340.4522nd of 5-0.9398.6-1.7108.5-2.1109.5-1.1Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.S. Clifford (33-40)N. Vučević (6.4)
2018-19NBAOrlando Magic*4240.5121st of 50.2898.1-1.9108.9-1.5108.1-2.3Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.S. Clifford (42-40)N. Vučević (10.1)
2017-18NBAOrlando Magic2557.3054th of 5-4.9298.10.8105.2-3.4110.11.5F. Vogel (25-57)D. Augustin (4.1)
2016-17NBAOrlando Magic2953.3545th of 5-6.6196.80.4103.7-5.1110.51.7F. Vogel (29-53)E. Payton (4.4)
2015-16NBAOrlando Magic3547.4275th of 5-1.6896.00.2105.1-1.3106.80.4S. Skiles (35-47)E. Fournier (5.7)
2014-15NBAOrlando Magic2557.3055th of 5-5.8793.8-0.1101.6-4.0107.72.1J. Vaughn (15-37), J. Borrego (10-20)N. Vučević (7.0)
2013-14NBAOrlando Magic2359.2805th of 5-5.8893.6-0.3101.7-5.0107.40.7J. Vaughn (23-59)A. Afflalo (5.3)
2012-13NBAOrlando Magic2062.2445th of 5-7.1292.20.2101.6-4.3109.13.2J. Vaughn (20-62)N. Vučević (5.7)
2011-12NBAOrlando Magic*3729.5613rd of 50.4689.0-2.3105.00.4104.1-0.5Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.S. Van Gundy (37-29)R. Anderson (8.9)
2010-11NBAOrlando Magic*5230.6342nd of 54.9291.2-0.9107.90.6102.0-5.3Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.S. Van Gundy (52-30)D. Howard (14.4)
2009-10NBAOrlando Magic*5923.7201st of 57.1292.0-0.7111.43.8103.3-4.3Lost E. Conf. FinalsS. Van Gundy (59-23)D. Howard (13.2)
2008-09NBAOrlando Magic*5923.7201st of 56.4892.30.6109.20.9101.9-6.4Lost FinalsS. Van Gundy (59-23)D. Howard (13.8)
2007-08NBAOrlando Magic*5230.6341st of 54.7993.41.0111.33.8105.5-2.0Lost E. Conf. SemisS. Van Gundy (52-30)D. Howard (12.9)
2006-07NBAOrlando Magic*4042.4883rd of 50.3589.9-2.0104.9-1.6104.1-2.4Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.B. Hill (40-42)D. Howard (9.7)
2005-06NBAOrlando Magic3646.4393rd of 5-1.2688.3-2.2106.30.1107.51.3B. Hill (36-46)D. Howard (8.6)
2004-05NBAOrlando Magic3646.4393rd of 5-2.5294.73.8104.9-1.2107.31.2J. Davis (31-33), C. Jent (5-13)D. Howard (7.3)
2003-04NBAOrlando Magic2161.2567th of 7-7.2590.80.7102.7-0.2110.47.5D. Rivers (1-10), J. Davis (20-51)T. McGrady (8.4)
2002-03NBAOrlando Magic*4240.5124th of 7-0.3993.12.1105.21.6105.01.4Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.D. Rivers (42-40)T. McGrady (16.1)
2001-02NBAOrlando Magic*4438.5373rd of 71.2593.22.5107.02.5105.30.8Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.D. Rivers (44-38)T. McGrady (11.5)
2000-01NBAOrlando Magic*4339.5244th of 70.3993.21.9103.20.2102.1-0.9Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.D. Rivers (43-39)T. McGrady (12.2)
1999-00NBAOrlando Magic4141.5004th of 70.4397.34.2102.4-1.7101.7-2.4D. Rivers (41-41)D. Armstrong (8.0)
1998-99NBAOrlando Magic*3317.6602nd of 73.1188.8-0.1100.3-1.997.4-4.8Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.C. Daly (33-17)D. Armstrong (6.4)
1997-98NBAOrlando Magic4141.5005th of 7-0.5387.1-3.2102.6-2.4103.8-1.2C. Daly (41-41)B. Outlaw (7.6)
1996-97NBAOrlando Magic*4537.5493rd of 7-0.0788.3-1.8105.6-1.1106.0-0.7Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.B. Hill (24-25), R. Adubato (21-12)A. Hardaway (8.1)
1995-96NBAOrlando Magic*6022.7321st of 75.4091.80.0112.95.3106.9-0.7Lost E. Conf. FinalsB. Hill (60-22)A. Hardaway (14.4)
1994-95NBAOrlando Magic*5725.6951st of 76.4495.12.2115.16.8107.8-0.5Lost FinalsB. Hill (57-25)S. O'Neal (14.0)
1993-94NBAOrlando Magic*5032.6102nd of 73.6895.20.1110.84.5106.70.4Lost E. Conf. 1st Rnd.B. Hill (50-32)S. O'Neal (16.9)
1992-93NBAOrlando Magic4141.5004th of 71.3596.3-0.5108.50.5107.1-0.9M. Guokas (41-41)S. O'Neal (10.4)
1991-92NBAOrlando Magic2161.2567th of 7-6.5298.01.4103.5-4.7110.52.3M. Guokas (21-61)T. Catledge (4.6)
1990-91NBAOrlando Magic3151.3784th of 7-3.7999.51.7105.9-2.0109.92.0M. Guokas (31-51)S. Skiles (7.0)
1989-90NBAOrlando Magic1864.2207th of 7-8.73104.15.8105.8-2.3114.36.2M. Guokas (18-64)O. Smith (3.3)

Pace/ORtg/DRtg estimated for seasons prior to 1973-74